How to delete my account?

We honor your privacy and therefore you can delete your Agrello account at any time you wish.

Be aware, that you will lose access to all of your documents, spaces and other information and there is no way to recover it later. If you need copies of your documents, then we suggest you download them before deleting your account.

Account deletion is possible on both web app and mobile apps. Uninstalling Agrello mobile app from your mobile device will not delete your account and data.

How to delete your account on Agrello web app?

1. Log into Agrello web app

Go to to log in to web app.

2. Got to Settings and devices

Delete account button is located under the settings and devices screen, which is under the Account section.

3. Click on Delete Account button

When you click on the Delete Account button, the confirmation popup is displayed. Click Yes on the confirmation popup to delete your account.

Please note, that in case you have digitally signed documents between two or more parties, those documents will not be deleted, as other parties still keep their copy.

‍Deleting your account on mobile apps

1. Go to Account -> Settings

2. Under settings choose "Delete Account"

3. Confirm Account deletion

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Last updated